
ChampionshipHolderRomanReigns.TimeHeld.1267days.,Reigns'songoingreignof1,269daysasUniversalChampionisthefourth-longestworldtitlereigninWWEhistoryandthelongestchampionshipreignsince1988.,TheTribalChiefreturnsto#SmackDownthisFridaynightliveFROMGREENBAY,WISCONSIN!????️TICKETSONSALENOW:https://wwe.com/event/this-friday-friday-night- ...,WWEhasaRock-RomanReignsconundrumafter'MondayNightRaw'appearan...

Universal Championship

Championship Holder Roman Reigns. Time Held. 1267 days.

Roman Reigns

Reigns's ongoing reign of 1,269 days as Universal Champion is the fourth-longest world title reign in WWE history and the longest championship reign since 1988.

Roman Reigns (@WWERomanReigns) X

The Tribal Chief returns to #SmackDown this Friday night live FROM GREEN BAY, WISCONSIN! ????️ TICKETS ON SALE NOW: https://wwe.com/event/this-friday-friday-night- ...

Roman Reigns

WWE has a Rock-Roman Reigns conundrum after 'Monday Night Raw' appearance There is no going back now when it comes to The Rock and Roman Reigns.

Joe Anoai aka “Roman Reigns” (@romanreigns)

The Tribal Chief. The Head of the Table. Undisputed @WWE Universal Champion. 353 posts; 7.7M followers; 199 following ...